Tuesday, March 18, 2014

ADOPTED!!! Home Sweet Home: Rusty & Papi's GREAT New Beginning!

Stacey, Rusty, and Papi
A little over a week ago, Rusty and Papi left us for their forever home with Stacey Leigh and Kelly Long of Sacramento.  I was holding off posting this update until I was sure the placement would work, and I can happily report that things are working out great with the adoption.  Stacey and Kelly are experienced vizsla owners who recently lost their second of a pair of vizslas and are wonderful, very active people.   I want to thank Stacey and Kelly for opening their home to Rusty and Papi - I doubt that I could have found a better home for these two special boys.  I am extra happy to place them nearby so we can stay in touch and hopefully see them on hikes.

Kelly, Papi, and Rusty
I also want to thank all the wonderful people who donated so generously to help make this rescue happen.  Without the support of folks who donated to the UCaring account set up for Rusty and Papi, we would not have been able to transport these pups and their gear from Ramona, begin training them, and it would have been much harder to keep them during the 2 weeks that we fostered them.  Although the vet reported that their health was excellent, Rusty and Papi do need a good teeth cleaning, so the remaining funds from the account after our expenses were donated to their new owners to help with this expense.  Thank you again everyone for your support and positive thinking to make this happy ending come true!!!  We fell in love with these two wonderful creatures and are so happy that we could find them the great forever home that they deserve.  A few more pictures below showing why we wanted to give these two a chance to find a home together!  :-)

We Love Our New Bowser Beds (Rusty's grin says it all, "Bowser Bed - Yes!  I have arrived!")

But Bowser Beds are Best When You Can Be With Your Brother!!!!


  1. Another happy Vizsla adoption tail :-) So happy for all involved!

  2. That is so AWESOME! So happy for this pair of dogs..so wonderful they could remain together!!!!! Nice job Jodi and congats to the new family! :)

  3. It sure warms the heart that these two guys were not only rescued, but also found a forever home TOGETHER! Talk about a happy ending!!

  4. So happy for them. Bless their hearts and bless the kind folks who took them in
